Downtown Action Plan

Prepared for:

The City of Oshkosh
The Oshkosh Commercial Development Corporation /
Oshkosh Chamber of Commerce
The Oshkosh Community Foundation

Submitted by:

LDR International, Inc.
10 October 2000
[approved by Oshkosh Common Council on October 10, 2000]

Table of Contents

1.0 Introduction
1.1 Background
1.2 Study Area Boundary

1.3 The Oshkosh Downtown Design and Development Planning Process
1.4 Organization and Content
1.5 Acknowledgements

2.0 What The Residents Are Saying About Oshkosh
2.1 Information Gathering Process Summary

3.0 Analysis/Framework of Downtown Oshkosh's Conditions
3.1 Regional Context

3.2 Downtown Districts
3.3 Existing Conditions
3.4 Downtown Oshkosh Zoning
3.5 Existing Land Use
3.6 Summary Analysis
3.7 Citywide Framework
3.8 Downtown Framework
3.9 Conclusion

4.0 Zoning Ordinance Review and Recommendations
4.1 Residential Uses
4.2 Overlay Districts

4.3 "Suburban" vs. "Urban" Environment
4.4 Waterfront Development
4.5 Design Guidelines

4.6 Pedestrian-Friendly Zoning Ordinance
4.7 Pedestrian/Bicycle Pathways
4.8 Shared Parking
4.9 Landscaping Requirements

4.10 Signage
4.11 Cell Towers in Downtown
4.12 Review Process

5.0 Oshkosh Downtown Design and Development Plan
5.1 Phase One - 100, 200 and 300 Blocks of N. Main Street
5.2 Riverfront Park
5.3 N. Main Street
5.4 E. 9th Avenue and Pioneer Drive Development Zone
6.0 Organizing for the Future
6.1 Maximize Economic Development and Land Use Opportunities
Within Downtown Oshkosh and Along the Fox River

6.2 Create a Special Place to Celebrate Community Life.
6.3 Celebrate the City's Cultural Heritage and Enhance its Civic Image

6.4 Provide Safe, Efficient and Convenient Vehicle and Pedestrian Transportation and Circulation Throughout the City and Make Downtown User Friendly
6.5 Maximize Riverfront Linkages and Pedestrian Connectivity to the Downtown and Surrounding Community

6.6 Create Open Spaces and Recreational Linkages and Promote Environmental Preservation
6.7 Enhance and Maintain the Public Realm

6.8 Increase Downtown Residential Development
6.9 Establish Mechanisms to Make Plans Happen
6.10 Conclusion

7.0 Implementing the Vision
7.1 Introduction

7.2 Part One: Public Improvement Initiatives
7.3 Part Two: Private Development Initiatives
7.4 Oshkosh's Downtown Future: Conclusion