GIS Disclaimer


You are being provided access to, or copies of, information from the City of Oshkosh, Wisconsin. The information is being made available because in the City's opinion it constitutes a public record as defined by Wisconsin Statutes. By law, the City makes no determinations regarding the reason the public records have been requested, or the intended use of the public information received. Whomever may eventually view these public records must understand, and is responsible for knowing, a number of issues surrounding this public information:

  1. It is intended to be used only for illustration and advisory purposes only, and is not to be used as a substitute for an independent and accurate field survey or investigation by qualified persons. The City does not believe the information is suitable as base data for plans, projects, decision making, or commitments, regardless of whether the decision relates to a property or for any other issue. The information provided is not guaranteed to be accurate, correct, current, or complete. Conclusions drawn from such information are the responsibility of the user.

  2. There are many variables associated with this public information, including the manner in which the City came into possession of or created this information, the reasons the City is in possession of this information, the intended use of the information by the City, the underlying accuracy of the information, and the usefulness of the information for a particular purpose.

  3. In addition to the underlying questions about the initial usefulness of the information for a particular purpose when it is initially provided, the City has no control over what subsequently happens to the information. Whether the information is in paper form or in an electronic format, any additions, subtractions, changes, edits, or manipulations to the information is solely the responsibility of the viewer or user.

  4. Public information received from the City is reviewed, interpreted, and used at the person's own risk. The information is expected to be reviewed, analyzed, and verified before it can be used, in whole or in part, for any purpose.

  5. The City offers a particular warning about surveying and mapping, and any associated or underlying data and information. Specifically, it is intended to be used for reference only, and to the extent that it will be used by any private person or entity for any purpose in the future, the data and information must be independently gathered and verified.

  6. In the event a recipient or user of public information received from the City seeks to use this information or data for any project in the future, then the City reserves the right to delay or reject any related submission that is based on the public information received from the City without sufficient proof that the end user independently gathered and verified information used to develop the project or request.

  7. Any future plans, projects, proposals, or submissions to the City that use information provided by the City in any way will not be approved unless it is shown to the satisfaction of the City that, to the extent that information by the City was used in any way, it was subsequently independently investigated, checked, and verified.

The recipient of information from the City assumes the entire risk as to the verification, quality, use, reliability, and interpretation of the information. The City of Oshkosh assumes no responsibility for any errors or omissions and the user of this information agrees to indemnify, defend and hold the City of Oshkosh harmless from any claims related in any way to such errors, omissions, or inaccuracies, whether actual or alleged. The information is provided without warranty. The City specifically excludes all warranties related to the information, whether express or implied. In no event shall the City of Oshkosh become liable to users of this information, or any other party, for any loss or direct, indirect, special, incidental, or consequential damages, including but not limited to time, money, or goodwill, arising from any review or use of the information.

December 9, 2016

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