Street Maintenance Overview
Street Division is responsible for maintaining the City streets and sewer system, including asphalt patching, minor street repairs, crack sealing, street sweeping and snow plowing. Additional duties include, annual leaf collection, graffiti removal, alley and drainage maintenance, and working with other divisions to effectively and efficiently make use of available resources.
Most of our maintenance activities are driven by the seasons and are governed by many variables including weather and equipment availability. Streets staff is also responsible for some repairs to the road surface due to utility repairs performed by Water Utility staff. Examples include water main breaks and water valve repairs. To report a pothole or other street maintenance issue, call the Street Division at 232-5380.
Snow removal is another responsibility of Street Division. Snow removal is a dynamic process with many variables. A rough measure of efficiency is to have a balanced area and route design so that all routes are completed at approximately the same time. Our snow removal plan is re-evaluated on a seasonal basis and adjusted as we continue to work to maximize our time and equipment.
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Services provided by the Street Division include: