What is my property zoned and what uses are allowed in that zoning district?
You may contact the Planning Services Division at (920) 236-5059 and ask for the zoning of a property. Please have the address or tax id number of the property readily available.
What is a Site Plan and when is it required?
A site plan is a scaled plan of the lot with all improvements shown on the plan. Site plans are required for projects requiring a building permit. Contact the Planning Services Division to have a site plan printed for your property for a fee.
Where do I get a Zoning Permit?
The Planning Office issues zoning permits. They are located on the 2nd Floor of City Hall or you may contact.
Where do I get a building permit?
The Inspection Services Division issues building permits. They are located on the 2nd Floor of City Hall or you may contact them at 920.236.5050. Permits are issued between 7:30 am - 4:30 pm M - F, or apply online.
What do I need a Zoning Permit for? (see below) (You may also need a Building Permit after obtaining a Zoning Permit)
Contact Information
215 Church Avenue, Room 204
PO Box 1130
Oshkosh, WI 54903-1130
Phone: (920) 236-5059
Office Hours
Monday through Friday
8:00AM - 4:30PM