Vacant Building Registration Program
The City of Oshkosh has established a program for vacant buildings, under Chapter 30, Section 221, of the Municipal Code, the City of Oshkosh has Regulations for Vacant Buildings which includes a contact registration and inspections program. Property Owners must register all vacant buildings in the City of Oshkosh.
The City of Oshkosh requires a vacant building contact registration. The owner must file, with the City, a written statement as to the names, phone numbers, and addresses for all persons who are in control of the property and building. For additional information or to register a vacant building, see the links below.
For questions regarding the City’s Vacant Building Registration and Inspection Program please contact the City’s Housing Inspector Casey Koelbl - (920)236-5137 - Email or the Inspection Services Office Assistant Sandra Wentz - (920) 236-5048 - Email