Water Utility

What is Lead?

Lead is a common, naturally occurring metal that is found throughout the environment in lead‐based paint, air, soil, household dust and occasionally water. Lead can pose a significant risk to your health if too much enters your body. If present, elevated levels of lead can cause serious health problems, especially for pregnant women and young children. Oshkosh’s drinking water is safe to drink and meets or exceeds all drinking water regulations. Lead is not found in Oshkosh’s source water, Lake Winnebago, and is not in water as it leaves the drinking water treatment plant. Lead may enter drinking water as a result of corrosion of lead piping, lead pipe solder, and household plumbing fixtures containing lead.

Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources Lead in Drinking Water brochure

Water Service Line Material Inventory

The City of Oshkosh Department of Public Works Water Utility is subject to Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR) mandates requiring the Department to identify and compile a complete database of known and unknown lead water service lines by the fall of 2024. To obtain this information, the Department must complete water service line inspections. Property owners are encouraged to sign up for the free inspection.

Walk me through the inspection process

  1. An Oshkosh property owner signs up for an inspection
  2. City technician or city-approved plumber arrives at property
  3. Technician asks for access to water pipes (likely in basement of home)
  4. Technician performs simple inspection to determine if pipes are made of lead
  5. Technician will report on whether the property has pipes made of lead or not
  6. City will update its database of known/unknown lead service lines

Click here for interactive map to view water service material inventory.

Click here for Lead Service Line Financial Assistance Program Info.


If my house has lead pipes, will I have to replace them immediately? How much will it cost to replace them? Is there financial assistance available? Get these questions and more answered here.

Meet "Leady"

The "Leady" campaign was designed to raise awareness about the Lead Service Line Replacement Program and encourage Oshkosh residents to sign up for a water service line inspection.

"Leady" PSA

Printable Lead Service Line Replacement Program Materials

If you are interested in distributing informational materials for the Lead Service Line Inspection Program, contact Oshkosh Dept. of Public Works employees Steve Gohde: (920) 236-5065 sgohde@oshkoshwi.gov or Jesse Barrette: (920) 236-5165 jbarrette@oshkoshwi.gov

Check out these helpful links for more information about the side effects of lead and how to request a service line inspection and/or replacement.

Learn more about lead

Lead Service Line Replacement Policy

Contractors Prequalified for 2024 – 2025 Lead Service Line Replacement Program

Water Service Line Inspection Form (For use by plumbers/contractors)