Volunteer Interest Form

For Boards and Commissions volunteer interest form click here.

* Name:

* Address:

* Home Phone:

Alternate Phone:


* Driver's License:

Volunteer Interest:

* What skills are you able to bring to this volunteer opportunity?

Additional Questions/Waiver:

Other areas of interest not previously listed.

Are you at least 18 years of age? If you are not, you must have a parent or guardian authorization.

Have you ever been convicted of any violation of law or ordinance?

If yes, give details.

* I understand that before I am accepted as a volunteer for the City, a background check may be made by the City. This good faith effort is the prudent thing to do to insure that City staff and citizens are protected. It is understood that the City shall check criminal and/or civil records, sex offender registries, driving records and some other check. I understand that, if accepted, my opportunity is conditional upon the City receiving no inappropriate information on my background as it relates to the volunteer opportunity. I hereby release and agree to hold harmless from liability the City, its officers, council members, agents, and employees, or any other person or organization that may provide such information. I also understand that, regardless of previous appointments, City is not obligated to appoint me to a volunteer position, and supplying false information on this form shall be considered sufficient cause for non-consideration as a volunteer. Do you agree to these terms?

* If I am chosen as a volunteer for the City........ I agree that my participation in the activities outlined in the Description of Volunteer Services (which is part of this agreement) is not in exchange for any consideration (e.g., pay, benefits, and the promise of future employment). I acknowledge that, in exchange for my service as a volunteer, I have neither been promised any consideration nor do I expect to receive any consideration. I agree that, as a volunteer, I will not be a City employee. I understand and agree that the City and I both have the right to end my volunteer relationship with the City at any time, for any reason, and without advance notice. I understand that as a volunteer, I will not be entitled to any employee benefits. I understand that the City will not provide me with accident or medical insurance, and is therefore not responsible for any accident or medical expenses that I incur in the course of volunteering. I understand that if I drive a vehicle as part of my duties, I must possess a valid Wisconsin driver's license and the City is not responsible for any damages to my vehicle. I also understand that I am not covered by workers' compensation laws in connection with my volunteer affiliation. I understand that my participation as a volunteer may involve certain risks. I voluntarily accept these risks. I release and hold harmless the City of Oshkosh, and its officers, council members, agents and employees, from all losses, damages, costs, and expenses, claims, demands, rights and causes of action resulting from any personal injury, death, or damage to property arising out of my volunteer activities. I agree to abide by all applicable rules and regulations of City and any of the departments where I engage in volunteer activities. I also agree not to disclose any confidential information of which I may learn in the course of my volunteer service. Do you agree to these terms?

* I understand that volunteers are expected to wear appropriate clothing, which shall be clean, undamaged, and of good taste, and if necessary, personal protective equipment, at the volunteers own expense. If I am unable to attend an event or complete hours volunteered for, I am to contact the Volunteer Supervisor as soon as possible. I must wear my identification badge when working as a volunteer for the City. As a volunteer, it is expected that I will treat all other volunteers, citizens, and City staff in a professional manner. Inappropriate behavior (rudeness, profanity, and harassment of any kind) will not be tolerated. Further, I understand that being under the influence and the use of alcohol and controlled substances will not be tolerated. And finally, I agree that I will not abuse any relationship I may have with any member of the public through unethical practices. Do you understand these expectations?

Primary emergency contact and relationship:

Primary emergency contact home phone number:

Primary emergency contact work phone number:

Alternate emergency contact and relationship:

Alternate emergency contact home phone number:

Alternate emergency contact work phone number:

Primary Doctor's Name:

Doctor's Phone Number:

Special Instructions:

Electronic Signature

I understand that typing my name above and checking this box constitutes a legal signature confirming that I acknowledge and agree that the information furnished above is true and accurate.