Sawdust District
Advisory Group Meeting Notes - 6-19-18
City staff led introductions and provided background from the previous meeting on May 15th 2018. Staff reviewed various elements of a zoning ordinance as it would relate to the advisory group. Staffed explained the difference between permitted use, conditional use and prohibited use.
After the zoning ordinance review, the group moved on to the land use map exercise. Staff explained that the Sawdust District can be divided into sub-areas which could allow different types of land uses. Advisory group members were provided maps and were instructed to sketch where they thought sub-areas could be located in the district. Several group members shared their ideas.
Next, staff explained the land use handout that contained a variety of land use terms and definitions that could be appropriate for the Sawdust District. Staff explained that they will rely heavily on group input for guidance on land use in the district. Staff explained that they would revise the land use table at the next meeting on July 17, 2018.