City Clerk
The City Clerk's Office is located on the first floor of City Hall. The office employs 4 full time positions; the City Clerk, Deputy City Clerk, and two Election Specialists.
The City Clerk’s Office is responsible for all official records of the city; preparation of the council agenda, preserving the actions and official minutes of the Common Council; legal publications, liquor licenses and various permits; and responds to informational requests from other departments, officials and general public.
- Maintains custody of city official records including council minutes, ordinances, resolutions, contracts, agreements, insurance certificates, bonds, licenses, special assessments, annexations and oaths of offices
- Serves as Recording Secretary for the Common Council which consist of preparing council agenda (working with other departments), attending council meetings, recording and preserving records of all council actions, posting of all meeting notices when required
- Maintain record of transfer to tax roll
- Administer application process, issuance and renewal of all liquor/fermented malt licenses granted by the Common Council along with operator/bartender and other licenses and permits as required by local and state laws
- Research and provide appropriate information to other city departments, officials and the public
- Publication of legal notices as required along with ordinance/resolutions and minutes of Council
- Administer oaths of office to newly elected officials, Firefighters, Police Officers; and appointments to boards and committees
- Certify official documents
- Co-sign documents including agreements contract, change orders and bond issues; maintain custody of the city seal
- Serves as secretary of the Board of Review including posting of meeting notices coordinating staff, board members and petitions; gathering and distributing necessary documents, maintaining accurate record of proceedings, publish legal notices as required
- Maintain files including cemetery records, bid results, insurance certificates and bonding, petitions and special claims
- Maintain General Obligation Bonds and Promissory Notes files along with Industrial Development Revenue Bond files
- Maintain annexation files; notifying state and local offices after Council Approval. Clerk’s Office is responsible to administer all elections conducted in the City of Oshkosh in compliance with state statutes
Serves as Chief Election Official for the city and administers all elections:
- Provides Council candidates with all documents for candidacy
- Serves as filing officer for the City of Oshkosh
- Recommends and maintains voting equipment for all locations
- Trains and assigns Election Inspectors
- Set up ballots and makes required publications
- Maintains request for absentee ballot voting
- Administer Deputy Voting at area nursing homes
- Maintains voter registration records
- Provides election results
- Canvass local votes
- Provide accurate information to candidates and general public
- Maintains election supplies for the city and surrounding communities
- Designs voting districts and wards in accordance with census, city staff & county officials
- Recommends polling places to Common Council to meet Federal regulations