City Letter Request Form

All information must be provided. Incomplete requests will not be processed.

Requesting Company Name
Bill To Address
Email Address
Request Date
Closing Date
Parcel Number
Current Owner
Property Address
Tax Year

This memorandum statement shall not be binding on the City of Oshkosh. It is reflective of charges that have been billed, recent activity may not have been invoiced. In accordance with section 19.35 (1), Wisconsin Statutes, you are entitled to examine the public records of this office and verify the information obtained there form to your own satisfaction.

5 business day turnaround: $35
Rush for 48 hour turnaround: $55

The City of Oshkosh will invoice the requesting company on a monthly basis for all fees accrued during the preceding month, and the amounts due under such invoice shall be payable within thirty (30) days from the date of the invoice. All invoices that remain unpaid after thirty (30) days shall accrue interest at the rate of 1.0% per month. By submitting your request electronically you are agreeing to these terms.

By clicking submit you are agreeing to the terms set forth and are confirming that your request for this city letter is complete and accurate.

If you do not wish to be billed you must print out a hard copy of the form, complete the required information, and mail the completed form along with a check payable to the City of Oshkosh for the amount of the fee due. Any requests received via mail without payment will not be processed until a payment is received.

If you have questions you can send an email to or call 920-236-5033.

Mailing Address:
City of Oshkosh – City Letters
PO Box 1130
Oshkosh, WI 54903-1130

*Call the Winnebago County Treasurer (920-232-3420) for status of delinquent taxes after August 7th.