Right of Way License Applications
Annual Excavation License
Annual Excavation License are issued to those who intend to perform work at multiple locations which require a large number of right-of-way permits over the course of a single calendar year. This license is for work which requires any form of excavating within the public right-of-way. This license does not restrict the construction envelope for any single site. The bond for this license is set to cover all issued permit construction within the license issuance period.
Annual Excavation License Application Packet
Site Specific Excavation License
Site Specific Licenses are issued to those who intend to perform a minimum amount of work within the City over the course of a single calendar year where a license and bond are assigned to each individual site. This license is for work which requires any form of excavation within the public right-of-way for a maximum disturbance limit of 200 continuous feet. The license and bond shall only be valid for work approved under a single right-of-way permit.
Site Specific Excavation License Application Packet
Annual Obstruction License
Annual Obstruction Licenses are issued to those who intend to obstruct the right-of-way in any way which impairs or restrict the movement of vehicular and or pedestrian traffic. This license is for such work or activity by which no excavation is required. Annual Obstruction license are required for all long term or short term dumpster which must be placed within the public right-of-way.
Annual Obstruction License Application Packet