Jackson Street Corridor Plan and Safety Study

Project Information:

Jackson Street Multimodal Traffic Safety and Quality of Life Study

Envisioning North Jackson Draft 7.15.2020

Jackson Corridor Study – Survey

Project Area Maps

Draft Corridor Design – 1

Draft Corridor Design – 2

Draft Corridor Design – 3

Draft Land Use Map

Jackson Street in the City of Oshkosh is a principal arterial street that conveys vehicular traffic from the City’s downtown area through a historically residential area corridor, followed by an area of various developing land uses before reaching Interstate 41.

The City is conducting a Multimodal Traffic Safety and Quality of Life Study from Church Avenue to Murdock Avenue (Area1) and develop a corridor plan to guide lane use and mobility development from Murdock Avenue to Interstate 41 (Area 2). Ayres Associates and RDG Planning & Design are facilitating the planning process in collaboration with the City of Oshkosh.

This overall project consists of two areas:

Area 1, from Church Avenue to Murdock Avenue, serves an urbanized, residential area featuring older historic homes located near several community parks and schools.

Area 2, from Murdock Avenue to the Interstate 41 interchange, provides access to a wide range of residential, commercial, and industrial properties.

Along the Jackson Street corridor, there is a need to “tame” traffic in the residential segment between Church Avenue and Murdock Avenue to enhance safety for all users, and to enhance effective and efficient mobility of vehicles, pedestrians, and bicyclists. In the developing area north of Murdock Avenue, the City is looking to develop a plan to guide future land use, zoning, urban design, and transportation implementation in future years.

Ayres Associates and RDG Planning & Design are studying the needs along the Jackson Street corridor. Ayres and its group of nationally known traffic engineers and safety experts will lead the overall service delivery for the project. Their team of urban transportation and development experts has the experience and knowledge to identify solutions to tame traffic and to enhance safety, mobility, and land use along Jackson Street. Their team includes the expertise of RDG Planning & Design to develop a plan for land use, zoning, urban design, and transportation along the corridor.

Their approach will be to engage City staff and the community – the residents and stakeholders – in a partnership to assess the existing conditions along Jackson Street in both areas and to identify measures and strategies that will enhance safety, mobility, active transportation, urban design, and land development along Jackson Street in the City of Oshkosh.

To learn more about the plan development please contact the Planning Services Division at planning@oshkoshwi.gov or (920) 236-5059.

Upcoming Meetings

Public Input Meeting #1
Wednesday, December 11th 2019
Oaklawn Elementary - Cafeteria
112 Viola Avenue, Oshkosh WI 54901
6PM – 7:30PM

Public Project Meeting #2
Wednesday, March 4th 2020
Oaklawn Elementary - Cafeteria
112 Viola Avenue, Oshkosh WI 54901
6PM – 7:30PM

Public Input Meeting #3
Monday, September 21 2020
View Meeting Recording HERE

Joint Workshop
Thursday, October 29th 2020
Virtual Participation Only
5pm – 6:30pm
Meeting Info