Sawdust District

Advisory Group Meeting Notes - 4-17-18

City staff led introductions and provided background from the previous meeting on March 20th 2018. Staff reviewed the boundaries exercise with the group and presented the composite map of the boundary ideas. Staff then explained their proposed boundary to the group. After the boundary exercise, the group reviewed their “homework” assignment. Staff explained the “Photo Visioning Exercise”. The group was assigned a task of submitting a variety of photos prior to the meetings containing images of assets and opportunities in the district. The group reviewed and discussed the photos. Staff explained the “10 Years From Now Exercise” and asked each table to write three words they would like the district to be described as in 10 years. Each table shared their ideas. Next, staff divided participants into four groups for the vision state creation. Staff explained that each group must draft a vision statement and present it to the group. Staff explained that they would revise the notes and proposed a new vision statement at the next meeting on May 15, 2018.