Locate your position on the citywide route map. There will be a color-coded route near you.
The timetable for each route is located on the top of bus map and is color-coded the same as the route on the map.
Find the time point closest to your location. If your exact location isn’t listed, use the nearest time point before your corner. The times shown to the right are the minutes after each hour that your bus will go by.
To determine what time you will arrive at your destination, follow down the schedule to the time-point nearest your destination.
Or call GO Transit System at (920) 232-5340 for customer information…
We will be more than happy to help you get to your destination and to plan for your return trip. We can also answer any questions you may have regarding the service.
Go to the closest bus stop sign When you see the bus coming, step up to the curb and hail the driver by waving your hand. Once the bus comes to a stop, board quickly, pay your fare and take a seat. If there are no seats available, move to the rear of the bus, stand and hold onto the rails.
Be at the bus stop a few minutes ahead of the scheduled time of arrival. If you are just a few seconds late, you may miss your bus.
To get off the bus, you should signal the driver that you wish the bus to stop at the next corner. There are pull cords located along and above each window that will signal the driver to stop. Pull the cord about a half block before your bus stop. If another passenger has signaled your corner, do not ring again.
3. Enjoy the Ride
GO Transit drivers are professional, friendly, and trained to operate the vehicle safely. If you have a question about the service, feel free to ask the driver while boarding or exiting the bus.