GO Transit offers a reduced program to all citizens 60 years and older using the bus. To take advantage of the reduced fare, passengers need to apply for and receive a Reduced Fare Card. Upon request, buses can be lowered to make boarding and alighting easier.
Application Form for Reduced Fare Program
Any bus rides to and from a senior’s residence to the Oshkosh Seniors Center are free with a card provided by the Oshkosh Seniors Center. Cards can be obtained from the Oshkosh Seniors Center. This program is sponsored by the Oshkosh Seniors Center and only applies to rides between a senior’s residence to and from the Seniors Center. Other trips are subject to the applicable fare.
GO Transit also provides dial-a-ride taxi service for seniors. This service should only be used when GO Transit buses are not available for your trip. In order to qualify for this service, seniors must be age 60 or older and obtain an identification card (brown card) from the GO Transit office at 926 Dempsey Trail. There is no charge for the card.
Printable Senior Dial-a-Ride Brochure
How much does each ride cost? Click here for the current passenger cost for these programs.