
AquaHawk Logo

City of Oshkosh Water Distribution is now offering the AquaHawk service, which allows water customers to receive leak alerts and access water usage information online. By subscribing to this free service, customers can view water consumption, receive timely leak alerts and control water expenses. Customers can use the system to avoid unexpected high bills and costly water damage from leaks.

AquaHawk Alerting is a free service for city of Oshkosh water customers. After registration, customers receive timely leak alerts through their desired contact method — e-mail, text or telephone. Customers will be contacted when usage indicates high usage, a leak, or a trend toward a high water bill. Users can also monitor water usage and get an estimate of their bill anytime during the billing cycle. Users who set “threshold alerts” will be able to specify an amount of water (gallons) or a maximum dollar amount that the bill should not exceed. If the customer’s usage is getting close to or has exceeded that threshold value, AquaHawk will send a notification. Customers can also see the dates/times when water is being used. Comparisons can be made with temperature and rainfall data that are displayed in graphs. This can all be done remotely, even when out of town because it is web based.