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Risk Reduction

Assistant Chief of Risk Reduction
Brian Bending
(920) 236-5241

Fire Inspection
Fire Captain Inspector
Jack Clark
(920) 236-5242

Public Education Specialist
John Holland
(920) 236-5249

The Risk Reduction Bureau strives to reduce the loss of life and property through code enforcement, fire investigations, and public education.

Code Enforcement

The Fire Marshal oversees the inspection of all schools, commercial, industrial, and multi-family dwellings in the City of Oshkosh. These inspections are a critical component of preventing fires. They ensure fire code compliance, identify building construction, and any hazardous contents. They also provide fire companies a chance to familiarize themselves with the building, develop preplans, and educate the occupants on fire safety.

The City of Oshkosh has ordinances for Fire Prevention and Protection. These ordinances adopt fire prevention codes from the International Fire Code (IFC), Wisconsin Administrative Codes, State of Wisconsin Division of Safety and Professional Services Administrative Codes (DSPS), Wisconsin Enrolled Building Code, and the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA). A link to the ordinance can be found here:

Municipal Code Chapter 13 - Fire Prevention and Protection

The Fire Marshal also issues and enforces permits for fireworks displays, open burning, bonfires, and recreational burn pits.

Public Education

The Risk Reduction Bureau has a full-time Public Education Specialist who provides information and education about fire prevention, fire safety, and community risk reduction to the community. Every year the Public Education Specialist interacts with thousands of youths and adults in schools and community events. The Public Education Specialist also provides the following programs and services.

For more information or to schedule an appointment please click on the link below.

Request a Fire Engine at Your Event

Fire Investigations

The Risk Reduction Bureau is responsible for determining the cause and origin of fires that occur in the City of Oshkosh. Fires that are found to be suspicious in nature are investigated jointly with the Oshkosh Police Department. Investigations may also be conducted jointly with other State and Federal agencies.

Safety Information