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Jtme 18, 1981 # 15 I�SOLUfION
Se. TT ?2F'�nr.yF'p by rt:e �or,�^ Cc�� c? I ei �h� �� 1^� Cs`.;::..:.. t�:::t := =
proper City Officials are hereby authorized and directeci to enter into the
attached Farni Leases with I�nnis Basler, 1801 W. Stmnyviea I�ad, Osh}cosh and
Richazd Schuhart, 460 E. Snell E�ad, �shkosh.
- 15 -
APPROVED ��7"UH/! n �/C.c.cG�lfl//�
THIS LEASE AGREEl1ENT, made and entered into this 24th day of April, 19H7, by and
bet::een the CITY OF OSHKOSN, a muaicipal cozpoxation located in Winnebagn Couney,
Wisconsin, party o£ the first par[, RICNARD SCHUHART, 460 E. Sne11 Road, Oshkosh,
Wisconsin, party of the second par[, hereinafter referred to as the "Lessee."
That the CITY OF OSHKOSH in consideration of the mutual agreements herein made,
he:eby leases and lets [o lessee, and lessee hereby leases and rents froa the CITY OF
OS�Ci03H approximately 8.7 acres of land in the NoYth Industrial Park described as follows:
Sec. 1-18-16 Comm on E line Jackson St. 165.34 ft. S of WS/4
corner N 89°25'36" E 1243.03 ft. [o W line N. Ptain St. S on
said W liae 331.01 ft. S 89°26'31" W 984-09 ft. N D°G'03" E 190
ft. S 89�26'31" W 259.83 ft. to E 13ne Jackson Se. N along said
E line 140.68 fi. to beg. being patt of NW1l4 of SW114, 15Ch
Ward, City of Oshkosh, ZJinnebago County, Wsiconson
Said parcel contains approximatelq 8.7 acres
To hold for the texm o£ One (1) year from the [wenty-four[h day of April, 1981,
to *_he 'Lt�*enry-fourCh day of April, 198z, at an annual cash rental of T17ENTY DOLLARS
($ZD•00} nez acze (174.00 per annum). The rental fee shall be payable on Novembez 1,
oi I981.
IN CO:�SI➢ER4TIOPI OF said leasing, the lessee further agrees as follows:
1. To pay [he rent as above specified.
2. To use [he premises for fazming and for no other purpose.
3. To operate and culticate [he premises in a good and husband-like manner.
4. To cu[ down no trees without the consent of Che Ci[y.
5. To keep all fences located ihereon in a state of repair substantially
similar to the presene condition of said fences.
6. To furnish and install such temporary fences which lessee may deem
necessary in the use of said pzopexty.
7. io destcoy all noxious weeds, in compl3ance wi�h state laws and local
reRulations pertaining to Che con[zol of noxious weeds in a reasonably
thorough and complete manner.
8. To keep the permises in a neat and orderly condition.
9. Not Co sublet the premises or any par[ thereof.
IT IS FURTHER MUTUALLY AGREED 6y and be[ween the pac[ies as follows:
1. That the CITY OF OSHKOSH specifically retains [he right [o sell the above
described property and to obtain actual possession of all or any part oF said premises
upon ten (30) days notice mailed to the Lessee by certified mail co his last known
ad3ress and upon offering in said no[ice to pay [o Lessee an amoun[ of money equal
to the value of the crops, the value of said crops to be de[ermined as of [he da[e the
notice is given; in ascertaining the value of the czops, the cose of all labor and
sezd cuy be taken into consideration, beiag [he intent of the par[ies herein, hovever,
Chat a21 risk ia Lhe fa:�ing operatioa be assumed by the Lessee an3 in case of aa
extremely good crap the value so to be determined shall take that act into considera—
tion and likevise in [he event of a poor crop, said factoz shall he Caken in[o
cocs:deration in detern�ining the value of the crops. The Winnebago Coun[y Agricul[uzal
Ag�t is hereby designated as the party to determine [he value of said crops and his
repo=ts sfial2 he binding upon the parties hereto. Any fee to be paid the Agricultural
Ag�at for this szrvice, or any other services rendered pursuant to this Lease, shall
be paid by the CITY OF OSHKOSH. The value oE said crops sha11 be [endered or paid to
the Lessze vi[hin thirty (30) days from the date of the notice aforesaid.
2. That if Lessee shall fail to pay ren[ as herein provided or shall make
deiault in any of the agreements herein, he shall forfeit all rights under this Lease
and the City may at its option take immediate possession of the premises and may
recover such possession by action ot forcible entry and detainer; and a[ the eupiration
of this Lease, the Lessee agrees wi[hou[ further notice oF any kind [o quit or surrender
occupancy and the possession of the premises.
_ 2 _
The covenants and agreements herein contained shall bind the par[ies hereto and
thei[ he3rs, executors, administrators, successors, and assigns-
IN WITNESS WHEREOE, the paitie5 have her�unto set [heir hands and seals on the
day and year first a6ove wtit[en.
Ia the presence of:
Approved a� to form and execution:
.T�cPii '«. P°RCE, Ci[y Attomey
By: /s/
WILLIAM D. FRUEH, Ci[y Manager
By: /s/
THIS LEASE AGREEMEYT, made aad entered ineo [his 24th day of Ap�il, 1981, by and
be[ween the CITY OF OSNKOSH, a municipal corpora[ion located in Winnebago Coun[y,
Wisconsin, party of the first part, �ENNIS BASLER, 1801 W. Sunny�iew Road, Oshkosh,
Wisconsin, par[y of the second pac[, hereinafter referred to as che "Lessee."
That the CITY OF OSHKOSH in consideraeion of the mutual agreemen[s herein made,
herzSy leases and lets to lessee, and lessee herehy leases and rents from the CITY oF
OSFC<OSH approximately 7•2 acres of land in the North Industrial Park desczibed as follovs:
Sec. 1-18-16 rE1(4 of NWL(4 E oE N. Main S[reet and S of E- Snell
Road exc. [he N 899.25 ft. also exc. the E 940.5 ft. being par[
of Lots 24, 39, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49 and part of Vac-
N. Main St. also all of Lots 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33,
34, 35, 36, 37, 38 of LOTHE ACAES, 15th Ward, City o£ Oshkosh,
Winn_Eago County, Wisconsin
Said paxcel contains approximately 7.2 acres
To hold for [he term of One (1J year from [he tven[y-Eoutth day of Apci1, 1981,
to the ltrenty-fourth day of April, 1982, at an annual cash rental o£ THLRTY-FIVE DOLLARS
($35.00) per acre ($25Z per annun). The xental fee shall be payable on :Iovember 1,
oE 1981.
iti CORSI➢cY4TI0N OF sald leasing, the lessee further agrees as folloWS:
1. To pay [he rent as above specified.
2. To use the premises for farming and for no other purpose.
3. To operate and cultivate the premises in a good and husband-like manner.
4. To cut do�m no [rees without the consent oF the City of Oshkosh.
5. To keep all fences loca[ed ihereon in a siate of repais substantially
similar to the present condition of said fences.
6. To furnish and install such temporary fences which lessee may deem
necessary in [he use of said property.
7. To destroy all noxious veeds, in compliance vith state la�as and local
regulations pertaining to the control of noxious weeds in a reasonably
thorough and complete�mannez.
8. To keep the premises in a neat and orderly condition.
9. PoG [o sublet [he premises or any par[ thereof.
IT IS FURiHER MOTUALLY ACREED by and between [he par[ies as follows: �
� 1. That the CITY OF OSHROSH specifically retains the right to sell [he above
described property and to obtain actual possession of all or any part of said premises
upon ten (30) days notice mailed [o the Lessee by certified mail to his last know
address and upon offering in said no[ice [o pay to Lessee an amount of money equal
to the value of the crops, [he value of said crops to 6e de[ermined as of.the date -
the aotiee is givea; in ascertaining the value oi [he crops, the cost of all labor
and seed may be taken into consideratioa� being the intent of the parties herein�
ho_ever, [hat all risk in the farmi.ng operation be assumed by the Lessee aad ia case
of aa extremely good crop [he value so to be determined shall take tt�at act into
coasideratioa and likevise in the event of a poor crop, said factor sliall be takea
iato consideratron in detexmining the value af the crops. The llinvebago County
Agricul[ural Agent is hereby designated as the party to determine the value of said
crops and his reports shall be binding upon [he parties hereCO. Any fee Co be paid
thz Ag:icultural Agent for [h3s service, or any other services rendered pursuant
to :his Lease, shall be paid by the CITY OF OSHKOSH. The value of said crops shall
be te�dered or paid to the Lessee wi[hin thirty (30) days from [he date of the notice
2. Tha[ if Lessee shall fail to pay ren[ as herein provided or shall make
default in any of [he agreements herein, he shall forfeit all righ[s under this
Lease and the City may at its option take imnediate possession of the premises aad
may recover such possession by action of forcible entry and detainer; and at the
expiration of this Lease, [he Lessee agrees without further notice of any kind [o
quit ox surrender occupancy and [he possession of the premises.
' Z '
The covenants and agreemen[s herein contained shall bind the parties hereto and
Cheir heirs, execu[ors, adminis[rafors, successors, and assigns.
IN WITNESS Wk�REOF, the parties have hereun[o set Cheir hands and seals on [he
day and year first above �aritten.
In the presence of:
Approved as to foxm and execution:
PENCE, City Attorney
By: /s/
WILLIAM D. FRUEE[, City Manager
By: /s/
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