HomeMy WebLinkAbout34720 / 88-414 JANUARY 21, 1988 Feb 4, 1988 #398 #414 ORDINANCE FIRST READING SECOND REA�ING (CARRIED LOST LAID OVER WITHDRAWN ) PURPOSE: pERMANENT ZONZNG - WINDSOR GREEN ANNEXATION INITIATED BY: THOMAS RUSCH PLAN COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION: Approved 9-0 A GENERAL ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF OSHKOSH AMENDING SECTION 30-14 (B) OF THE OSHKOSH MUNICIPAL CODE PERTAINING TO ZONING DISTRICTS . The Common Council of the City of Oshkosh do ordain as follows: SECTION l. That Section 30-14 (B) of the Oshkosh Municipal Code pertaining to Zoning Districts and the map therein described is h�ereby amended by adding thereto the district character of the following described area: WINDSOR GREEN ANNEXATION - Annexed to the 15th Ward on March 19, 1987 ZONING: R-1 Single FamiLy Residente, R-2 Two Family Residence and R-3 Mul[iple Dwelling (as per the at[ached map) (R-L SingLe Fam11y Residence) Tha[ part oi the SW 1/4 of ehe SW 1/4 of Sec[ion 36, T19N, R1bE, 15[h Ward, CiCy of Oshkosh, Winnebago County, Wisconsin, which is bounded and described as follows : Commencing a[ [he SW corner of said Sec[ion, [hence N89-44-i7 E along [he S line of said SW1/4 aforesaid 318.65 fi ta the SW corner of Windsor Green Subdivision, a Subdivi- sion of record, [hence N00-38-30 W along the N line of Windsor Green Subdivision and the nor[tierly ex[ension che-eof 525.90 f[ [o the poin[ of beginning o: the parcel [o be described, thence P06-S7-U W 99.6i It, thence N89-»�_57 E 229.24 fc, chence N30-00-00 E +0.2? f[, [hence N00-13-i9 E 115.22 f[, thence N89-S4-57 E 546.10 f[, [hence 67.51 ft along che arc of a curve. whese cen[er lies [o the NW vhose radivs is 70.00 ft and whose chord 6ears N62-04-49 E 65.01 ft, [hence 555-35-20 E 209.04 f[ to a point on ihe E llne o[ the SW 1/4 of the SW 1/4 of Seceian 36, [hence N00-13-59 E 633.59 t[ [o Che NE corner of [he SW I/4 of the SW 1/4 oF Section 36, thence 589-49-32 W along the N line of [he SW 1/4 of che SW 1/+ of said Sec[ion 1281.40 f[ to a poin[ on the E Iine of U.S. Hwy. 45, ehence SO1-07-09 E along said Iine 691 .00 fc, [hence 507-22-14 W alang said Iine 105.82 ft, [hence N89-S2-22 E 264.84 ft [o Che poin[ of heginning. Said parcel contains 18.33"t6 acres. SIIHNITTED BY 1 � APPaOVED �n�oAaY 2i 1988 #398 #414 ox�iNANCC r�o�t�ai FEBRUARY 4, 1988 (R-2 Tvo FamiLy Residence) That part of the SW L/4 of [he SN 1/4 of Section 36, T19N, R16E, 15[h Ward, Ci[y of Osnkosh, Winnebago Coun[y, Wisconsin, which is 6ounded and described as follows: Commencing at the SW corner of said Sec[ion, thence N89-44-57 E along the 5 line of said SW I/4 aforesaid 318.6> f[ to [he SW corner of Windsor Green Su6division, a Su6division of re<oM, [hence N00-38-'.0 W along [he W line of Windsor Green Subdivision and [he ^,ortheriy excension [hereof 525.96 ft, thence N06-47-U A 99.67 ft, thence N89-�4-57 E 229.24 f[ m the point of heginning of the parcel to be described, [hence N30-00-00 E 40.27 f[, [hence N00-13-59 E 115.22 ft, thence N89-44-57 E 546.10 ft, [hence 67.61 ft along [he arc of a curve wnose <en[er lies to the NW whose radius is 70.00 f[ and whose chord hears N62-04-49 E 6�.01 ft, thence 555-35-20 E 209.04 ft, [hence 500-13-59 W 61.31 ft, [hence 589-44-57 W 796.36 ft io the point of beginning. Said pattel con[ains 2.Si71 acres. (A-3 Mu1[iple Dwelling) That pari of the SW L)4 of [he SW 1/4 of Sec[ion 36, T19N, A16E, 15[h Ward, Ci[y of Oshkosh, Winnebago Coun[y, Wisconsin, whi<h is bounded and described as follows : Commencing at the SW corner of said Section, thence N89-44-57 E along [he 5 lir,e of said SW 1/4 aforesaid 318.65 ft m Che SW wrner of Windsor Green Subdivision, a Subdivision of record, [hence N00-38-30 W along [he W line of Windsor Green Su6division and [he nor[heriy extension thereof 512.99 fi m [he poin[ of beginning of [he parcel m be des¢ibed, ihence con[inuing N00-38-30 W 12.97 ft, thence N06-47-ll W 99.67 ft, thence N89-S+-57 E 1025.60 ft, thence S 00-13-59 Y ll2.00 f[, thence 589-44-57 N 1013.22 ft [o [he point of beginning. Said parcel concains 2.6194 acres. SECTION 2. This Ordinance shall 6e in full force and effec[ from and after i[s passage and publica[ion. _ Z _ � " � ' Ord. #414 WINDSOR GRF.FN ANNEXATION PERMANENT ZONINGS �I iI PrOposed R" � I � - nsro+'as'e. . . ,° 92dT .. . ���. ; }° a��J� ' 2 N.dYasiYE. 516.]5' � ��OO f 3 i _ \ o n i °' „ •a� �,,�� ProPOSed li-2 ^ • x�o' _ .° N W aO1 eom . i ,� r - a.. z _..._ :?e""'.._ s.zs'u�sY'w ;aze.so:.--.._ ... _. 26. . x�•,e,a.,� Praposed R-3 � ,I`2 � ' �-�� i .av�r. c. J .41322 ( �%ISiIIIC�' .`3 I � _ ; i � n o�' I . N99bO'SYE !fl65 �� _ � S W.C�� I I I SE[.d6-iB-�6 Scau O A KO ^ NJ ` �..G a r4 :: � ;._.. � :. � syt � arts <o�,��-.� �4�:>:�„_ ,�o ,�,�E,ox, s, - za - � 3 T � av o0 a o m a � m � z A � � C N 3 Q 6 � O C N X N OZ Z �G � N AW .. `G ✓. > > �O iv o � A OJ na A: ° '" '- T O O T T N� � � � � S � QJ W � d V N OJ t0 r (+ � � �p (/� T � lp r £ d n z a o v� � �- � �+ a 3 �:i d N 1S] A O � JJ N Z _2 � d �< a n � � � O r. � N p tp N � � 3